Video Killed the Conference Star

Why go live? Why not!

Going live is a great way to engage your current audience and introduce them to new ideas, attract new clients and get them involved in your business. There are also crossover opportunities between platforms, so sometimes you don’t have to choose! But in general, to start, go live on the platform where you have the most followers and/or highest engagement, which may be Facebook or Instagram. 

Which platform is right for you? The easiest answer is to look for where your existing audience is - instead of “if we build it, they will come” think of it as “if they’re already there, they will probably watch and engage...I mean what else are they doing?!” Pro Tip: Zoom can be live-streamed via Facebook Live to your followers.

Today we’re focusing on Instagram Live

Instagram is a great way to engage influencers, showcase your content, and cross-promote accounts when you “go live” with a friend. When you go live with someone else, it highlights your live experience to all of your followers and their followers. It also breaks up the burden of hosting a one-man show, which can be a bit… well taxing to watch! 

The possibility to use a livestream to increase your following is tremendous.

Here are some ideas for what to do when you’re live: 

  • Virtual Interviews -  Go Live with a friend or someone you admire that would be interesting to your audience. Iinterview speakers, experts, influencers about a trending topic, their expertise, or to get to know them a little deeper.  

  • Show and Tell - If you have a product, a process, or an event that you can physically show (that does not require more written instruction, graphics, etc.) then instagram Live is a perfect opportunity to show and tell.

  • Casual Ramblings - let’s not forget that lives are designed to be an imperfect art. It’s not about perfect production, or having seven studio lights in your kitchen, it’s about sharing something that is honest and raw. So have fun with it! It’s an opportunity to take part in a shared experience, and don’t worry too much about achieving a specific goal other than providing content your audience will enjoy.

  • No One Expects You to Be Perfect - Two months ago a barking dog or screaming baby in the background would have been a faux-paw, but today? It’s par for the course! It’s OK to be human, make mistakes, and put your brand out there. In fact, your audience is likely to find you more relatable and remember there are people behind your brand when they see you being open, honest, maybe a little goofy, and without your hair and makeup team. 

When you’re done, make sure to hit the save button, otherwise your live won’t have any staying value. Post it to your stories to let your followers that weren’t able to join you live. 

You have nothing to lose, and only followers to gain! Going live on Instagram right now is a low risk, fun way to engage your audience.

Try it out, experiment, and have fun! 


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