It’s Easy to Be Green

Let’s be honest: events generate a LOT of waste.

Tons and tons of waste in the form of swag, bags, handouts, program books, food, coffee station, the snack station, AND the energy consumption, transportation emissions from flights, cabs...the list goes on. To be perfectly honest, most events aren’t green at all! They also struggle with access; high ticket prices, costly travel, and just luxury of taking a few days off of work for PD is a privilege not offered to everyone, especially low-income individuals, single parents, or those with physical or mental disabilities (just to list a few). 

Right now, the Earth is getting a break from our usual busy (destructive) human activity of flights, traffic, and it’s loving it. The air we breathe is the cleanest it’s been in decades, wild spaces (and animals) are getting much needed breaks from human encroachment, and we’re being forced to reconsider our habits and impact. Events are FINALLY going virtual, albeit not always gracefully! 

After we are able to return to in-person events, there are some very easy ways to minimize your environmental impact: 

  • Most name badge holders are not recyclable. Yep, that’s right, they’re made of PVC and will end up in landfills. Try to avoid plastic badge holders if you can, and print on double-sided cardstock badges or a recyclable plastic. PC/Nametag has great options.

  • Choose green options, such as no tablecloths, minimize paper/programs, auto-shutoff lights, projectors, laptops and any other AV equipment. 

  • Don’t use vinyl banners, foam, plastic wrap, shrink-wrap; instead use compostable or paper-based options as much as possible. Let your participants know why this is happening and get them on your side to make responsible choices! 

  • Remind participants to bring a reusable water bottle, light jackets and sweaters, and to bring their own notebooks, pens, etc. in your “Know Before You Go” email sent one week prior to the event. 

  • Provide recycling opportunities in all of your spaces for plastic and paper waste from lunch, happy hour, and handouts. 

  • Consider offering unique recycling opportunities for local participants, such as electronic recycling (batteries, cords, old equipment); offer a clothing or coat drive or even a clothing swap! 

  • Donate leftover food* – requires pre-determined partner such as Friendship Place in DC

  • Encourage walking, busses, and public transit to and from your event. Heck, if you have the budget, offer free public transit passes for participants, a fun run/walk, or a morning commute walk from nearby hotels to your venue

  • Offer more plant-based meals and dairy alternatives. When possible, go vegetarian and/or dairy-free. The best vegetarian options are those that you don’t even realize are all veg bc they’re so good, like Chia Tacos in DC

By taking a holistic approach to impact you are likely increasing the ease and convenience for your attendees at the same time. It’s not hard to get your participants on-board - and in fact, you may increase your attendance numbers! People love to feel good about their investments, especially if it’s pricey or a big time commitment like a conference. 

For us at Erin Leonard Events, environmentalism is more than just an aspiration, it’s a commitment. We are committed to helping our clients be as green as possible AND in increasing access to events. Consider offering a  scholarship program for low-income participants, pay-what-you-can models, and/or reduced prices for teachers at Title 1 schools. 

We believe events are opportunities to exist in an alternate world for a few brief moments, one without the racism, income inequality, and historic wrongs of our current world. Events are opportunities to show what’s possible - and showcase how easy it is to be green, accessible, and exist in a space where all people are equal, regardless of income, gender, ethnicity, etc. 

Nature is sending us a message, and it’s time to act. Healing the earth is going to take all of us. 

We’re joining the Virtual Climate Strikes, #ClimateStrikeOnline, led by Greta Thunberg, but there are a lot of ways to help. Will you join us in making decisions, thinking holistically, and fighting for policies that protect our planet? We hope so!


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