Ubuntu and the Power of Positive Thinking

Power of Positive Thinking 

While listening to a discussion of anxiety and COVID-19 on an episode of ELE speaker Dr. Lamar Darnell Shields’ Soundbalming Podcast, I found myself meditating on the idea of a mantra. 

What really, was a mantra? What did it mean? And what is mine? 

A mantra, in its most simple terms, is our connection to the mind. It is the repetition of a sound or phrase that is repeated so many times that it becomes ingrained into who we are. It is the voice inside our head that tells us to press on when we think we can’t, it’s the sound of someone telling us we’re truly loved and valued, it’s the words that we can’t get out of our head that lingers on and become a part of us long after we hear them.

When I think about this idea, I can’t help but consider our current moment. We’re living through a pandemic, our worlds have turned upside down; the cruelties of capitalism are laid bare. The most vulnerable are the most at risk. I’m worried about New Orleans, New York, and everyone, everywhere. I’m most worried for low-wage workers, many of whom have been deemed essential and don’t have the luxury to work from home. I’m worried for my family, my neighbors, myself, and the billions of people I do not know that share this beautiful planet. 

I know stress, anxiety, and uncertainty; these are not new feelings. I’ve overcome hardships throughout my life, including Hurricane Katrina. I know I am strong, and I know how to handle stress. It starts with a very deep breath, mediation, and mindfulness. 

In his podcast, Dr. Shields encourages us to think deeply about the mantra, or the words we are telling ourselves, as a means to manage the anxiety that we’re all dealing with. 

At Erin Leonard Events, our mantra is every moment matters. 

Every moment matters.

Every moment matters.

Every moment matters.

Every moment matters. 

This moment matters, and we want to practice what we preach. At ELE we love to have fun and enjoy the good times, but this situation has allowed us to reflect even more deeply on the importance of creating meaningful moments through lasting connections. We deeply miss our in-person events and can’t wait to be in the same room with all of you soon, but until then, we’ll keep making every moment matter. 

Check out the Podcast


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