Technology Connects Us

From the invention of the telephone to zoom conferences, technology has always been used to create and build relationships. We’re human animals, always seeking connections. We’re not surprised to see incredible examples of deep connection right now - though it may look and feel completely out of the norm. 

Socializing has transformed drastically in just a few weeks, but meaningful moments have not stopped. They’ll never go away, even in the most difficult times. 

“Can you imagine doing this 50 years ago? We would be lost!” I overhear my mom on Facetime with her best friend in Colombia. Their plans to visit each other may be on hold, but with new found time at home, they’re both able to talk more often than usual and they’ve just discovered Facetime. I’ve Zoomed with grandparents, Happy Hour-ed with new friends, and had some of my best conversations over the phone with old friends I haven’t heard from in years. 

This pause, this chance to reconnect with home and ourselves, is in its own way a beautiful experience that was long overdue. In fact, the spring is usually my busiest time of year, with travel every other week. It’s the first time in six years that I haven’t been travelling all over the country, from event to event. It’s an important chance to ground ourselves and reconnect. 

Facetime, Facebook, et al have become critical tools of connection. For now, this is where we host our happy hours, doctor appointments, book clubs, meetings, classes, and even introducing new family members to the world!

We are making many sacrifices in the name of safety and public health, but we have saved the sacred: human connection. 

With human connection, comes celebration. 

Graduation is one of the most important recognitions in a young person’s life. Graduating seniors deserve to celebrate and honor their accomplishments. Our hearts break for the young people that aren’t able to celebrate with family and friends.

That said, there’s Some Good News for graduates, as the world celebrates with a virtual ceremony seen and celebrated globally. Strangers and friends alike joined-in and instead of one speaker, there were several, including Malala Yousafzai, Steven Spielberg, and Oprah Winfey. 

  • Check out Malala’s brief & powerful speech and see her surprising a young graduate. The joy and disbelief on the young girl's face was overwhelming and empowering.

  • Graduate Together Yearbook from the Inside Out Project (2015 TED Prize winner) is an online yearbook of all 2020 graduates from around the world. This powerful imagery shows the human faces behind the class of 2020. 

We can’t wait to see them host their full celebrations in-person eventually. Their patience and hard work is incredible. I can’t imagine having my senior year of high school taken away like that, and anxiety of not knowing if college will open in the fall - and I started college a week after Hurricane Katrina! 

This pandemic has forever transformed events. 

COVID-19 has transformed events and is forcing us – some willing, some resistant – to embrace and recognize the power of technology for human connection. There’s no denying the benefit of in-person networking and happy hours, but it’s a misconception to think you have to choose between in-person and virtual. 

The future of events are hybrid. 

The future will utilize the power of both in-person and virtual tools. This offers the benefit of hosting powerful in-person networking and social events, while harnessing the power of technology to pull in a global audience, offer improved breakout learning, and differential content between participant interest. 

 Hybrid Event Benefits (just a few!):

  • Livestream your keynotes on your social platforms to anyone, anywhere in the world. It couldn’t be more open-access! Have you had an international audience before? You’ve got a great chance! 

  • Improved breakouts - Virtual learning allows for breakout sessions to become virtual learning seminars, no longer limited to 60-mins in a cold, dark breakout room. Reconsider how you’re offering PD, and consider moving your breakouts online to allow for the creation of cohorts, deeper dives in to topics, and free up your space at the in-person conference for in-person learning - not 60 min lectures!  

  • Global happy hour - Combine the in-person and the virtual with pop-up happy hours and simulcast from many places at once on Facebook live, creating a joyful networking  experience that anyone can enjoy at a local event near them or from the comfort of home! 

  • Polls & opinions - Finally, we can get feedback from our participants in real-time. What would you like to learn? What do we need to spend more time on? What speaker do you recommend? Use virtual platforms from Facebook to live polling on webinars to get instant feedback from your audience. Now, if only we could get them to complete evaluations at in-person events… that’s a challenge for another day! 

  • Diversify income streams -  No longer are you stuck selling one ticket to one event. You now can offer at least three different kinds of unique tickets: in-person, virtual, or a combination. You can even consider year-round learning and PD for additional revenue (and learning!). 

  • This is a great time to try something new - If not now, when?! 

This is just a short list of benefits. It’s astonishing that hybrid events haven’t already taken over the industry. 

We’re here to help you move to a virtual now and plan your 2021 (or beyond) hybrid event. Get in touch. We look forward to collaborating with you! 


We’re 1!!


Meaningful Moments: Moms Get It!