Meaningful Moments: Moms Get It!

Life is a series of meaningful moments that shape who we are, what we believe, how we think and behave. Looking back on my own memories, I can vividly remember brief moments that meant a lot to me. They may have been small, seemingly meaningless at the time, but they weren’t. They were meaningful moments. 

It’s easy to remember the big moments: weddings, graduations, birthdays, funerals, where we come together to celebrate or mourn as a community. We create lasting memories, connections, and are reminded that we’re all part of something bigger than ourselves. We often have pictures or tokens to remind us of these happy memories. 

The smaller moments, without pomp and circumstance, also matter. They may even be more important, as they shape who we are and what we believe. It may be a time you were scared, embarrassed, happy, or felt appreciated. It could be a childhood flashback, a heart-to-heart conversation, or even just a shoulder to cry on.

Yesterday, I connected with many women in my life that have helped me feel appreciated, heard, and loved. I realized that moms thrive in meaningful moments, especially the small ones. They understand how much the small things matter and add up to something much, much bigger. 

My mom remembers the first time I tied my shoes when I was four years old. She remembers like it was yesterday: what we were both wearing, the smile on my face, her heart shining with joy. She remembers even the smallest details - that she called my grandparents, bragging that shoe tying was an activity expected of five-year-olds - not four-year-olds!  

Mother’s Day was a beautiful day for me, personally. Speaking to my mom, my grandma, my stepmom, and my partner’s mom - family members I love dearly that have had huge impacts on my life. I look forward to continuing to celebrate the meaningful moments with them - big and small - and I recognize how lucky I am to have so many supportive, loving women in my life. I know not everyone has that. 


Remember that you don’t have to have a biological mom in your life to celebrate your meaningful moments. Your friends and loved ones are there to celebrate you, and you’re there to celebrate their moments too. 

Take a minute to send text or email to a loved one letting them know how much they mean to you. Share a memory of a meaningful moment to deepen your connection. Don’t be afraid to celebrate the small things, that’s usually what our fondest memories are made of! 

Life is a collection of meaningful moments. Don’t forget to capture and celebrate them, no matter how small! 


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