We Brought the Heat 🔥 in July!

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

-Harriet Tubman

Welcome to the fourth edition of ELEmail, the Erin Leonard Events (ELE) monthly newsletter! We hope to bring you moments of joy, reflection, and tidbits of cool info because we know that every moment matters.  

Top 3 Takeaways 

1. For Virtual Events You Need A Great Team!

Let’s face it: virtual events are really hard! The best way to assure your success? A great team of highly skilled professionals including a technical producer and show director. We’re lucky to have two incredible team members to lead our virtual events, Bekah Wachenfeld & Joe Floyd. Learn more about what makes for a great virtual event team on our blog.

2. Wow, We’re Great At Web Design! 

We all know that having a strong online presence is crucial, but why? Effective marketing starts with effective branding. That’s why creating a website that reflects your message, tone, and goals is important — it tells your story and connects people with your services. Unfortunately, few of us have the expertise required to build a website that’s as dynamic and accessible as the products or services we sell. Well, you’re in luck! Not only does ELE specialize in highlighting what makes our clients special, we also know how to reflect it in your web design! We recently worked with Apex Property Imaging to revamp their website and turn their web presence up a notch! Check out the before and after pictures from this makeover on our Instagram!

3. Virtual Love Match

Choosing the correct platform is crucial to the success of your event. But with so many options available, it can be difficult to choose without the help of experienced event planners and virtual platform experts. Have no fear, ELE is here! We have researched the most used platforms and created a Pros & Cons list on our blog that highlights the features, tools, and setbacks of each platform with advice on whether it is the right platform for you! Check out our reviews of the following 8 platforms to find your Virtual Love Match:

  • On24

  • Zoom

  • Demio

  • Webex

  • GoToMeeting

  • JetWebinar

  • WebinarNinja

  • VFairs

Check out our Virtual Love Match blog here!

Stuff We Love 

  • Send Something Nice

    • Our friends at REACTOR are using their platform to raise money for a great cause! Through July 31st (hurry up!), half of the sales from their Friend Store will be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City, a charity that provides connection and assistance to children during school closures and social distancing.

  • How Brand Management Has A Direct Impact On Your Bottom Line by Hubspot is a great guide for developing and updating your brand to deliver the financial results you’re looking for.

  • Dena Simmons’ TED Talk How Students of Color Confront Imposter Syndrome offers a critical examination of the American education system and the unfair burdens it places on students of color. This TED Talk offers us an opportunity to reexamine classroom and academic “norms” and consider who created these expectations, who they benefit, and who they leave behind. 

  • Noname’s Book Club  Noname is most commonly known as a talented musician (the ELE team loves her and you should definitely check her out on bandcamp!), but did you know she also has a book club? Each month Noname’s Book Club selects two books written by authors of color that reflect the struggles and experiences of communities and individuals of color. Many of these books address issues of social justice and race while also telling captivating stories about the nature of the human experience. We love this book club because it is designed to educate readers while also amplifying POC voices. One of the books for this month is a personal favorite: Angela Davis’ “Are Prisons Obsolete?” Check it out!

  • Virtual events you can still participate in!

    • NCSC Virtual (National Charter Schools Conference)

      • NCSC is virtual! At this year’s conference speakers examine the future of charter schools by addressing three key elements: remote learning, reopening schools, and reimagining what schools can be. Register and join us live for the last day, 7/30 (it’s only $100!), and get access to the rest of the content on demand, including a keynote by DeRay Mckesson, co-founder of Campaign Zero. 

    • Think in Color 2020 

      • Think in Color is a free online summit for women that explores online entrepreneurship and how to effectively market and grow your business. With over 20 speakers, this three day event provides industry insights, strategies, and tips and helps connect you to like-minded entrepreneurs who you can learn from and network with. We particularly love this summit because it discusses a variety of topics rarely explored during typical entrepreneurship and business events such as emotional intelligence, switching careers, and how to make your voice your superpower. While the event was actually held earlier in July (July 14-16), you can still access it for free on their website!

    • TEM Expo 2020 (Technology Expense Management)

      • Did you miss our TEM Expo event on July 14th? Fear not! You can still watch it here! Tune into TEM Expo to learn about the future of technology expense management in the time of Coronavirus. In this all day event, presenters explored three core concerns: cash management, remote worker management, and governing business access. Learn from industry leaders as they discuss best practices and strategies for stability and growth during these uncertain times. This event will be available online until August 13, so take advantage of this great free resource!

Speaker Spotlight

Artemisio Romero y Carver

Our newest speaker is an activist, poet, and the founder of Youth United for Climate Crisis Action (YUCCA), Artemisio Romero y Carver. At only 17-years old, Artemisio is a rising senior at New Mexico School for the Arts, an independent charter school. He’s also an artist and the current Santa Fe Youth Poet Laureate. His artwork has been shown in six galleries and museums, including the Zolma Lofton Gallery and SITE Museum of Contemporary Art. 

Artemisio opened NCSC virtual on July 23 and we couldn’t be more proud of him! His personal story and call to action for school leaders and teachers was powerful, timely, and important. We couldn't be more proud! Please welcome Arte to team ELE!  


Implementing and Practicing Trauma-Informed Mindfulness


Virtual Events Require a GREAT Team