Virtual Events Require a GREAT Team

No matter what business you’re in, a strong team has always been an essential part of success. Nowhere has this been clearer than in the events industry.  In events, success rises and falls with the strength of a team, but the definition of what a team is has evolved. For events, the move to a virtual space requires you to reexamine the needs of your event and what a strong team means in today’s world. 

Ah, the world of virtual events. Something you probably didn’t think too much about before coronavirus, but businesses are adapting to a new way of thinking about events. Although we miss the days of in-person events, virtual events aren’t all bad if you have the right team behind you. 

Benefits of Virtual Events

The first and most obvious benefit is, of course, safety. Attending events has never been more safe and customized to exactly what attendees need. Secondly, virtual events offer more flexibility in event design and planning. Depending on which platform you choose, your audience can often access the events through on-demand replays on their own schedule! Finally, virtual events offer a global audience and speakers who are not limited by time and travel constraints as they would be at an in-person event. Now anyone can attend your event! 

Sounds great, right? 

The catch? Virtual events are really, really hard!

They are unpredictable because their success is contingent upon all participants and their own, personal environments—any participant’s tech issues can drastically change the quality of the event. They are harder to control and rely heavily on strong pre-work and the quality of the hosting platform. It is also harder to troubleshoot during a virtual event because you are not on-site and there are a myriad of potential elements to problem-solve. That’s why it is so incredibly important to have a strong and reliable team behind you! 

Think of it this way, if an in-person event team is responsible for planning, logistics, programming, content, execution, registration, communications, etc. then the virtual event team is responsible for all of that, and they have to build their own convention center to boot.  With virtual events, you don’t find a venue, you build your venue. The platform you build is your virtual venue.  Similar to an in-person venue, you must work with the platform’s service team to create your event. Every small detail matters in virtual events, and we have worked tirelessly to create the best virtual environments for our clients. So if you’re planning a virtual event, it’s essential that you surround yourself with a team of experts, led by a kick-ass event producer that can lead the way and make sure the show goes on. 

Event producer. I play the orchestra.

If a virtual event team were an orchestra of virtuosos, each a master of his or her own instrument, then I would be the conductor that leads, directs, and keeps time, and keeps the music playing even when something goes wrong. In some ways, as team leader, I am a jack-of-all-trades, able to step in for any of the other team members in a pinch, and am deeply involved in the planning, decision making, and execution of each and every component of the event from platform build to speaker prep to communications. 

Technical Expert. Worth their weight in gold.

If you’ve ever sat on hold with tech support for your cable or wifi, you have some idea of how tech support for virtual events goes (not great, friends). That’s why it is so crucial to have an expert on your team to work out potential issues before they arise. For the ELE team, this expert is Joe Floyd. Experts like Joe have knowledge that will assist you in choosing the right platform for your needs, troubleshooting, and virtual speaker prep. It is essential to have someone on your team that has a comprehensive understanding of all of the major platforms, and has experience with or knowledge of most of the major platforms. There are an overwhelming number of  choices out there and choosing the wrong platform can end in a disaster! Your ‘on-site’ expert (so to speak) should be able to troubleshoot problems based on past experiences and have inside knowledge on how to best remedy the issues that arise.  

Speaker Coach. Trust me, they need it.

The virtual setting impacts the way you must prepare your speakers. Not only do speakers need to be advised on content and time management, they also have to be instructed on how to navigate technology. Unlike at an in-person event, speakers are responsible for their own lighting, audio, and ensuring their environment is presenter-ready with a professional background and a stable Wi-Fi connection. All of these things need to be taken into account beforehand, otherwise their message may get lost amid technological mishaps or a distracting setup.  

Lights, Camera, Action! Get someone great in that director’s chair.

Your team will also need a director. For our team, this is Bekah Wachenfeld. This person connects the dots by setting up the run of the show, assigning specific roles for the day of, and keeping everything running smoothly throughout the process. This expert should have an eye for logistics, and the ability to communicate and demonstrate how those logistical decisions contribute to the client’s vision. As marketers who specialize in event planning, we are fortunate to have this kind of expert on our team. They are able to take your vision and thread together the loose ends.

These are some of the essential team members that you’re going to need to put on a great virtual event. So take a good, hard look at your existing team. Consider the strengths of each team member. Then consider the logistical differences of virtual events from in-person events. Remember, this isn’t about replacing your existing team - you’ll need them as well.

Virtual events are EXTRA work, and so you need extra help.

Once you have a clear picture of what you have and what you need, plug in consultants or bring in extra staff to fill in the gaps. Virtual events are difficult enough, make it easier on yourself by surrounding yourself with the right people - and don’t worry, we’re here to help!


We Brought the Heat 🔥 in July!


How To Select Your Virtual Event Platform