Gratitude for Our Investors and SMBX

As we move into the dog days of summer, our keyword here at ELE is GRA-TI-TUDE. We are thankful for so many things: a busy 2021 (despite the pandemic!), the return to in-person events, a growing ELE staff & family, and getting in full swing for a busy Fall event season. For the last six weeks or so we’ve also been grateful for investments in our company through SMBX. They’ve been big and small, from friends, family, colleagues, strangers, and beyond. We’ve been floored by the outpouring of support and belief by so many in our future and success. We also want to thank SMBX for giving us the platform to receive investments as loans that will help power our small, woman-owned, start-up business and give us the foundation to grow and thrive even more.

With as little as $10, anyone can invest in ELE and receive the principle back + 8% - a win-win for all


As of this writing, we have raised just over 42Kkwith less than 48 hours to go (you can invest until 7:59pm ET on July 8). SMBX is doing incredible work for small businesses - not only helping them gain crucial capital to grow but also doing it by building community. We can’t wait to connect with our investors, and we know the return on investment will be far more than the principle + 8% - it will be gratitude and the opportunity to partner with and uplift one another. In fact, SMBX is doing amazing work to boost small businesses, help them avoid the red tape at banks and big financial institutions, and dig deep into the community for capital and inspiration. Fellow small businesses owners should absolutely check out SMBX’s opportunities. 

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you again to all who invested in ELE or helped spread the word - we can’t wait to build more meaningful moments and create lasting connections from such a strong position.


Getting Back to In-Person Events (with care & consideration)


Conferences are Sweeter with Free Giveaways, Featuring DC's Petite Soeur Chocolates