ELE’s Top 6 Tips: Event Planning During Pandemic Uncertainty

While the COVID-19 pandemic has vastly improved across the US, thanks to vaccines and conscientious public health policies, COVID is surging in pockets across the country filling hospitals and causing a lot of uncertainty that we thought was left behind. As a result, event planners are being put to the test but also doing what we do best: being ready and able to pivot no matter what life throws at us and when. In the words of the inimitable Tim Gunn, the mantra is always “make it work!” 

Here are our top 6 tips for event planning in pandemic uncertainty: 

  1. Plan for the worst, first. In the old days, we asked about the cancellation policy “just in case.” Well, now those policies should be item A on your list. Make sure you know the cancellation policy of any vendors, venues, materials, and external production that is scheduled. Also, create a cancellation and refund or credit policy for participants and make sure they know about it and agree to it in registration. Run it by your legal team if it makes sense.

  2. Plot out your decision-making timeline for how and whether to hold the event. With an eye towards the many cancellation policies “governing” your event, decide when and with what criteria you will make decisions about how and whether you’ll hold the event. For example, by “X” date we’ll decide whether to hold the event in person based on the number of registrations and COVID statistics x, y, and z. You may consider pivoting to virtual for some of the event’s elements or completely rescheduling for a future date.

  3. Prep your participant communications in advance, communicate clearly and often. Be clear with participants about COVID policies for the event and how you’ll be making decisions around cancellation, rescheduling, or going virtual. You may even consider a clever bi-weekly event “update” email or an event “dashboard” webpage - both of which can also be used to market the event. Survey your registrants for their COVID comfort levels. Create a webpage for your COVID policies that all participants must agree to at registration. 

  4. Make COVID safety a priority. First, make sure to have plenty of disposable masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant on hand - all of which could double as branded event swag. Ask the venue about their own safety precautions and familiarize yourself with local guidelines. Decide early on if you will require proof of vaccination and/or negative COVID tests from participants (recommended) and let them know in their registration. You may consider having a nurse or medical professional on hand at the event to provide COVID tests - in the parking lot! - or be available in case of emergency. If someone does test positive while at the event, have a contact-tracing plan in place.

  5. Get creative outdoors! The safest way to congregate during the pandemic is outdoors. Using tents with good ventilation, patios, and other outdoor spaces, you can recreate almost any type of indoor event - just make sure to have a good sound system and a rain plan.

  6. Be kind. These pandemic years have been tough and stressful on many - for participants and your staff alike. Try to be kind and understanding if participants and/or your staff are stressed or nervous and seem difficult. Remember that some people cannot get vaccinated for medical, age, and other reasons. When communicating about masking and COVID testing requirements, don’t belittle your participants - try to be understanding, reassuring, and calm when reinforcing policies.


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