3, 2, 1, Liftoff! The LaunchPad is Live 🚀

When we announced the ELE Speaker LaunchPad last month, we set out to build a space to connect up-and-coming speakers to the audiences that most need their content. We sought to build an inclusive, dynamic, and creative space for professionals launching their speaking careers. And guess what? We’ve done it, and it’s ready for you to find your next speaker!


When you boil it down, the LaunchPad is our version of a speaker’s bureau. But it’s so much more than that. A run-of-the-mill speakers bureau can be very disconnected from the speaker, from the content, and from the audience, resembling a cattle-call for speakers that can fetch the biggest price. That’s not us. We are deeply connected to the speakers, to their content, and the audiences that need their content most. Each and every one of our ELE speakers has a distinct voice and a connection to our core values. In fact, many of our speakers landed in the LaunchPad as a result of our team being so moved and inspired by the speakers themselves, their work, and their organizations. 

Our growing list of diverse speakers is full of passionate advocates, organizers, educators, artists, and young people: voices that sometimes have a hard time breaking through. Too often, the same handful of keynote speakers suck up all the oxygen (and budget) for events, leaving highly engaging and qualified, albeit less known, speakers to give away their content for free or get left out completely. You’d be surprised how often we’ve found a volunteer breakout speaker who has a history of top, standing room only sessions but just can’t quite seem to break that barrier to become a featured, paid speaker. That’s where the LaunchPad comes in. We’re advocates for our speakers. We don’t just connect them to opportunities. We connect them to the right opportunity. The opportunities where they can have the biggest impact. We don’t just lump them into broad speaking categories, we put in the work to fully entrench ourselves in their content and their why. We work with the speakers to bring those meaningful moments to audiences through speaking engagements. 

For speakers, the LaunchPad is a place for those who are ready to take the next step in their speaking careers. As one of our core values, the LaunchPad seeks to provide BIPOC, activists, women, LGBTQIA+ Folx, and less traditional speakers with a platform to reach audiences through their content expertise to create meaningful moments with the right audience. For programmers and content producers, the LaunchPad is your one-stop-shop to connect your audience with the right content. Big names are great, but big ideas that compel your audience to really engage with the content? That’s way better. At Erin Leonard Events, we make experiences. Nothing that we do is plug and play, and this includes the thoughtful and intentional matching of speakers to stages where they can create those meaningful moments, one event at a time.

Check out the LaunchPad to find your next incredible (and affordable!) speaker. 

Interested in becoming a speaker? Email us at info@erinleonardevents.com for more information on joining the ELE LaunchPad. 


LIVE from ELE! Livestream Tips for Beginners!


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